Our Vision and Mission
Our primary agenda is to ensure client satisfaction, maintain integrity, comply with all relevant legal statues, stay up-to-date with all relevant industry changes and provide an excellent experience to all our clients.
With ‘Quality is Priority’ as an ultimate aspiration, Our vision is to nurture a professional firm of repute which is competitive, dynamic and focused leader in the areas of operation, providing the best opportunity to progress and grow to all those who are associated with it and also serving the best interests of the clients.
During execution of our services, we stringently adhere to industry set norms and regulations. We offer services in a prompt and efficient manner. We ensure that the services offered are as per the latest legal codes and norms of the country. It is owing to our personalized and valuable services that we have attained a reputable position in the country.
We are passionate about the strength of our brand and our vision - to be the clear choice for our clients and our people, through the benefit we bring and the results we achieve.
With the support and assistance of a trained team members, we have been able to meet the clients requirements and offer them cost effective solutions. The Global Tek adheres to highest standards of ethical policies. Our professionals maintain transparency and objectivity while every step along the way of providing services.
The Global Tek offers services in a highly secured manner. We designed and implemented critical protocols in ensuring safety and security of confidential client information.
We value the privacy and confidentiality of every client who files with us. We take responsibility of the clients data as we use high end secured cloud based networks.
All our Employees abide by non-disclosure/confidentiality agreements. As part of physical security, employees’ personal belongings are left in lockers outside the processing facility.
There are no removable media devices.
No documents and tax returns Can be printed. All are password protected and printable versions are blocked inside the office. Only clients get the printable version of the returns.
Password protocol is enabled and system activity is under strict scrutiny.
Software used includes Windows OS, MS Word/MS Excel, Adobe Acrobat, Symantec Anti-Virus, Tax processing software that meets the industry standards.